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Denne auktion er oprettet af Per Kragelund, på vegne af sælger.
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The buyer is responsible for all costs with regards to pick up, transport and export.
CE-marked: Yes
Asset overall condition: May have larger defects. Inspection/Repair before use is recommended
Seller / Auction broker: Per Kragelund
Location: PK - 7500 Holstebro, Denmark
PANRAD / Fraccaro Gasfyr/strålevarmeanlæg
2 stk. Madas Gasfyr/ strålevarme anlæg
Er nedtaget
fuld funktionsdygtig ved nedtagning
Når systemet startes afbrændes gassen direkte
rørene bliver opvarmet og udsender elektromagnetiske bølger
rettet mod gulv
bølgerne passerer gennem luften uden energiafgivelse og omsættes først til varme
når de rammer
et materiale med en fysisk masse
nøjagtig som jorden opvarmes af solens stråler. Massen absorberer strålerne
afhængig af overfladen
men generelt kan man regne med
at 2/3 afsættes første gang strålerne rammer og den
sidste 1/3 overføres til væggen og andre ting i rummet
Rummets masse opvarmes således til 18-19 C
og videregiver varme til opvarmning af rumluften
PANRAD / Fraccaro Gas boiler/radiant heating system
2 pieces Madas Gas stove/radiant heating system
Has been taken down
fully functional when taken down
When the system is started
the gas is burned directly
the pipes are heated and emit electromagnetic waves
aimed at the floor
the waves pass through the air without releasing energy and are only converted to heat when they hit
a material with a physical mass
just as the earth is heated by the sun's rays. The mass absorbs the rays
depending on the surface
but in general you can count on 2/3 being deposited the first time the rays hit and the
the last 1/3 is transferred to the wall and other things in the room
The mass of the room is thus heated to 18-19 C
and passes on heat to heat the room air
Aukcja: 1
Czas trwania: 2025-01-30 09:00
Data zakończenia: 2025-02-13 13:00
Stan: używane